pygmy - définition. Qu'est-ce que pygmy
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est pygmy - définition

Pigmy; Congolese pygmy; Pygmy; Pigme; Pygmie; Discrimination against Pygmies; Pygmies; Batembo; Pygmy people; Phmgy; Pigmies; Pygmy tribe; Pygmyism; Pygmoid; Australian pygmy; Violence against Pygmies
  • Aboriginal encampment in rainforest behind Cairns, 1890. This is the photograph (attributed to A. Atkinson) found by Norman Tindale in 1938, which sent him and Joseph Birdsell in search of the people depicted. He identified the location by the wild banana leaves on the roof of the hut.
  • alt=Two men with a woman holding a baby
  • Ati]] woman of the Philippines
  • East Region]] of [[Cameroon]]
  • Ba Aka]] pygmy village
  • [[Ota Benga]] at the [[Bronx Zoo]] in 1906
  • Distribution of Pygmies and their languages according to Bahuchet (2006). The [[southern Twa]] are not shown.

·noun Hence, a short, insignificant person; a dwarf.
II. Pygmy ·adj ·Alt. of Pygmean.
III. Pygmy ·noun One of a fabulous race of dwarfs who waged war with the cranes, and were destroyed.
IV. Pygmy ·add. ·noun One of a race of Central African Negritos found chiefly in the great forests of the equatorial belt. THey are the shortest of known races, the adults ranging from less than four to about five feet in stature. They are timid and shy, dwelling in the recesses of the forests, though often on good terms with neighboring Negroes.
I. n.
Dwarf, hop o' my thumb.
II. a.
Dwarfish. See pygmean.
(also pigmy)
¦ noun (plural pygmies)
1. (Pygmy) a member of certain peoples of very short stature in equatorial Africa or parts of SE Asia.
2. chiefly derogatory a very small person or thing.
3. a person who is deficient in a particular respect: an intellectual pygmy.
¦ adjective very small; dwarf.
pygmean adjective (archaic).
ME (orig. denoting a mythological race of small people): via L. from Gk pugmaios 'dwarf', from pugme 'the length measured from elbow to knuckles'.


Pygmy peoples

In anthropology, pygmy peoples are ethnic groups whose average height is unusually short. The term pygmyism is used to describe the phenotype of endemic short stature (as opposed to disproportionate dwarfism occurring in isolated cases in a population) for populations in which adult men are on average less than 150 cm (4 ft 11 in) tall.

The term is primarily associated with the African Pygmies, the hunter-gatherers of the Congo Basin (comprising the Bambenga, Bambuti and Batwa).

The terms "Asiatic Pygmies" and "Oceanian pygmies" have been used to describe the Negrito populations of Southeast Asia and Australo-Melanesian peoples of short stature. The Taron people of Myanmar are an exceptional case of a "pygmy" population of East Asian phenotype.

Exemples de prononciation pour pygmy
1. That is a pygmy.
Google Earth and Human Evolution _ Lee Berger _ Talks at Google
2. Are you doing pygmy octopuses?
The Rise and Fall of the Cephalopods _ Danna Staaf _ Talks at Google
3. little pygmy monkeys, were they?
Mark Plotkin _ Talks at Google
4. And I'm working with pygmy goats.
Weathering Change _ Chuck Gaidica _ Talks at Google
5. and the bonobo or pygmy chimp.
The Third Chimpanzee _ Jared Diamond _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour pygmy
1. "We still know very little about pygmy elephants.
2. The Columbia Basin rabbits were mated with more genetically diverse Idaho pygmy rabbits and their offspring carry at least 75 percent of the Columbia pygmy bloodlines.
3. Pygmy elephants were long considered the same as Asian elephants.
4. Pygmy elephants love palm oil fruit and will often invade plantations.
5. The pygmy killer whale‘s small numbers stand in contrast to the humpback whale.